Like a best friend, Smooth is dependable, warm and an oasis of calm in a busy and challenging world.

We know our listeners in Malta and Gozo are busy with work and a hectic family life that is full on.

Smooth provides a musical escape from those non-stop days, with intelligent presenters and the right mix of familiar songs.

More people than ever before are now listening to Smooth – a compelling reason to make us part of your next marketing campaign.

Smooth Radio is the soundtrack to your day

  • Smooth’s target audience are aspiring, cosmopolitan, English-speaking adults aged 30-59
  • ABC1 adults make up 57% of Smooth’s audience, 55% of Smooth listeners are aged under 55
  • The majority of the Smooth audience are female at 59%
  • Listeners with busy lives who want to hear music they love, that helps them relax and unwind

We focus on delivering you a high quality, relevant audience with the sole aim of minimising advertising wastage, in order to maximise your return on investment.

Find out more about Smooth advertising, email [email protected]

Record listener numbers are now enjoying Smooth’s Relaxing Music Mix

Smooth is dedicated to bringing you the best relaxing songs in Malta with more music and less talk.

Our expertly crafted music mix, strong commitment to news and experienced presenters like Simon Clarke, Liam Cash, Brian Ford and Martin Buchanan have made us the number one digital radio station in Malta.

DAB+ now accounts for more than a third of all radio listening in Malta and 73% of all digital listening, according to audience research.

Smooth broadcasts in English on the Smooth Digital Multiplex, alongside Smooth 70s and Smooth Breeze.